Dear Jorge, The ink is barely dry on the signatures to the deal that was supposed to stop Iran's nuclear program...But the gap between what is being said to sell the deal and reality is readily apparent. And the centrifuges in Iran are still spinning, enriching uranium around the clock and bringing Iran ever closer to having nuclear weapons.
Yeah, right. I’m sure the Ayatollahs will soon announce a GI bill for returning members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. The truth is that billions of dollars will be used to replenish the Iranian regime’s ATMs in the region. Those ATMs are the Ayatollah Terror Machines – the Shiite militia in Iraq, Assad’s regime in Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza, and the many other Iranian’s terror proxies throughout the region.” This is a critical moment for the future...not just for the Jewish people, but for all of us. The promises of Genesis 12:3—both the blessing and the curse—are still in full effect. We urgently need your help today for the vital work of the Jerusalem Prayer Team as we stand in the gap for the sake of the nation of Israel...and for our own homes and families as well. Israel is under attack from all sides, including from long-time enemies and once-close allies. God has laid something very special on our hearts to counter these evil forces and do our part to stand in the gap to deliver Israel and the Jewish people, and that is our new Friends of Zion Ambassador Institute. This is a vital part of God's End-Time plan for the defense of the Jewish people. God has been speaking to me in a very powerful way. The Ambassador Institute is His directive for my life. This is the legacy project that will define and shape the future of our world and will continue the defense of Israel after we are gone. The battle for Israel's future is a spirit war, and this war can only be fought and won by Believers. We appreciate every friend of Israel, no matter their religious beliefs, but we as Christians have a role to play that they cannot. Through the Holy Spirit and prayer, we have the only weapons that are able to resist the principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places arrayed against Israel. “Whom shall I send?” is an eternal question. It echoes in our day just as powerfully as it did in the ears of Isaiah centuries ago. The Ambassador Institute is our answer—“Hineni...Here am I, send me!” But we cannot make this dream a reality without your help. Your gift today will help launch this vital defense of Israel and continue our work to bless God's Chosen People. |
Gracias doy a mi Dios siempre por vosotros, por la gracia de Dios que os fue dada en Cristo Jesús; porque en todas las cosas fuisteis enriquecidos en él, en toda palabra y en toda ciencia; así como el testimonio acerca de Cristo ha sido confirmado en vosotros, de tal manera que nada os falta en ningún don, esperando la manifestación de nuestro Señor Jesucristo; el cual también os confirmará hasta el fin, para que seáis irreprensibles en el día de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Fiel es Dios, por el cual fuisteis llamados a la comunión con su Hijo Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Os ruego, pues, hermanos, por el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que habléis todos una misma cosa , y que no haya entre vosotros divisiones , sino que estéis perfectamente unidos en una misma mente y en un mismo parecer . Porque he sido informado acerca de vosotros, hermanos míos, por los de Cloé, que hay entre vosotros contiendas. Quiero decir, que cad...
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