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Showing posts from November, 2011

No Room

Mary Southerland Today's Truth For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son ( John 3:16 , NIV). Friend to Friend I make room for things that are important to me. I eat two or three meals every day and sleep several hours each night even though my "to do" list is not much shorter today than it was yesterday. I will choose to play with a grandchild over cleaning the house any day of the week. I manage to find a place for that great piece of furniture I don't really need - but really like. After all, it was on sale. I like watches. Don't ask me why because I simply don't know. I only need one watch, but I own several inexpensive ones. I will have lunch with a friend instead of running errands. And there is always room for chocolate! Silly examples - right? I wonder. I wonder what the innkeeper thought as he turned away the young man and his very pregnant wife that holy night so long ago. He had no room - it was that simple. Do we? The Chr...

Verse of the Day

6  Pero gran ganancia es la piedad acompañada de contentamiento; 7  porque nada hemos traído a este mundo, y sin duda nada podremos sacar. 8  Así que, teniendo sustento y abrigo, estemos contentos con esto. 9  Porque los que quieren enriquecerse caen en tentación y lazo, y en muchas codicias necias y dañosas, que hunden a los hombres en destrucción y perdición; 10  porque raíz de todos los males es el amor al dinero, el cual codiciando algunos, se extraviaron de la fe, y fueron traspasados de muchos dolores. 1 Timoteo 6:6-10

For Such a Time

November 30, 2011 “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” — Esther 4:14 The account of Queen Esther is among one of the most stirring and beautiful portrayals of courage and the willingness to take a stand against evil in the Bible. Perhaps you are familiar with the story. After uncovering a plot to kill all the Jews in the country, her Uncle Mordecai pleads with Esther to intervene on behalf of the Jews before her husband, King Xerxes. Esther is faced with a difficult choice. If she refuses to say anything, the Jewish people will surely perish. If she does speak up, however, she risks death, since entering the king's presence without being called for could mean death. Who can forget Esther’s inspiring words, as she made her decision: “ I will go to the king, even though it is a...


Quiero darles las Gracias por todos los hermanos que sacaron de su tiempo para Orar por la hermana Carmen. El día de ayer fuimos a visitarla, ya se encontraba en un cuarto regular con mucho dolor en el cuerpo, fractura en la clavícula derecha, una herida en el mismo hombro y lo más sorprendente el coagulo de sangre empezó a disolverse y no corre peligro. Tenían que ver la sonrisa en su rostro mi Dios si hace milagros. Incrementa tu relación con EL. Gloria a Dios   por todas sus Oraciones y por El Amor de Nuestro Padre Celestial. Lo más seguro hoy le den de alta. Gloria a Dios ¡! Mil Gracias!! Amén!!

Father Knows Best

Listen now | Comment | Tell a Friend | Donate     Hebrew Word of the Day degel (flag) Hear Translation » Father Knows Best November 29, 2011 “For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed.” — Deuteronomy 30:16-18 If you’re a parent, you’ve probably heard protests from your children when you’ve told them they need to be home at a certain hour, or that they can’t attend a certain event. At the time, your children probably thought you were just being mean and didn’t want them to have any fun, right? But what your children didn’t understand at the time was why...

Pablo exhorta a los hermanos

12 Os rogamos, hermanos, que reconozcáis a los que trabajan entre vosotros, y os presiden en el Señor, y os amonestan; 13 y que los tengáis en mucha estima y amor por causa de su obra. Tened paz entre vosotros. 14 También os rogamos, hermanos, que amonestéis a los ociosos, que alentéis a los de poco ánimo, que sostengáis a los débiles, que seáis pacientes para con todos. 15 Mirad que ninguno pague a otro mal por mal; antes seguid siempre lo bueno unos para con otros, y para con todos. 16 Estad siempre gozosos. 17 Orad sin cesar. 18 Dad gracias en todo, porque ésta es la voluntad de Dios para con vosotros en Cristo Jesús. 19 No apaguéis al Espíritu. 20 No menospreciéis las profecías. 21 Examinadlo todo; retened lo bueno. 22 Absteneos de toda especie de mal. 23 Y el mismo Dios de paz os santifique por completo; y todo vuestro ser, espíritu, alma y cuerpo, sea guardado irreprensible para la venida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. 24 Fiel es el que os llama, el cual también...

Pido Oracion

Les quiero pedir a todos mis hermanos en Cristo Oración por un hecho reciente en la familia de uno de mis jóvenes, su nombre es Francisco su mama tuvo un accidente de automóvil hoy en la tarde y se encuentra muy grave en el hospital les ruego Oración por la salud de Sra. Carmen. A mis hermanos de Europa y Estado Unidos y Puerto Rico. Esta cadena debe ser activada de inmediato les ruego su atención. Dios les bendiga y Gracias por su cooperación. Gloria a Dios por sus vidas!
Provide Christmas Blessings for Christians in North Africa Dear Friend, Christmas time is often a dangerous period for Christians who live in hostile areas. But thanks to your generosity, The Voice of the Martyrs can help persecuted Christians at Christmas time and throughout the year. As we prepare to celebrate our Savior's birth, let's also remember those around the world who are persecuted for their faith in him. Join us in praying for them and fellowshipping with them this holiday season. One way you can encourage persecuted Christians this Christmas is by sponsoring a Christmas Care Pack or Village Outreach Pack through The Voice of the Martyrs. Since the Arab Spring uprisings that began a year ago and spread throughout the Arab world, attacks on Christians and churches have increased across North Africa. You can help thousands of Christians across North Africa by supporting VOM's 2011 Christmas Care project. For a gift of $25, you can sponsor a...
If you are unable to view the message below, view it in a browser . Donate Now | Tell a Friend Volume One    Welcome! I am so thankful that you have chosen to become a part of IFCJ and join in our work to help the less fortunate.  There are so many people throughout Israel and the former Soviet Union who are suffering under heartbreaking conditions and your compassion and understanding will make a very meaningful difference in their lives. Watch Our Welcome Video >>>     Reach Out to Israel's Poor More than 1.6 million people in Israel live in poverty.  Our Guardians of Israel program helps provide basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter to hundreds of thousands of suffering children, families and elderly people living in the Holy land.  Learn more about this critical work >>>     Ways You Can Make a Differe...