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Prayer Can Change A Marriage

February 13, 2012

Today's Truth

"I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you" (Matthew 17:20 NIV).

Friend to Friend

I am always stunned when I hear someone say, "Well, I guess the only thing left to do is pray." My goodness, I've even been shocked to hear the words come out of my own mouth. Prayer should never be seen as a last resort but as a first line of defense. No matter what condition your marriage is in today, prayer will make it better. God can make a bad marriage good and a good marriage great. God's answers to prayer healed the sick, fed the hungry, stopped the rain, kept the earth from revolving on its axis for an hour, divided the Red Sea, poured forth water from a rock, opened wombs, confused enemies, opened jail doors, made leprous skin brand new, caused the lame to dance, gave courage to the fearful, and raised the dead. Jesus said, "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you," (Matthew 17:20 NIV).

Have you noticed that it's hard to stay mad at someone when you're praying for him or her?  Somehow walking into the throne room of God with a pack of anger and resentment strapped on your back doesn't feel very comfortable. I've noticed when I'm angry at my husband, and I begin to pray for him (And I'm not talking "God help him when I get a hold of him" type prayers.) God begins to soften my heart. The Bible says that God is love and it is difficult to be in Love's very presence and remain angry. Oh, you can stay mad, but it takes a lot of effort.
Sometimes it is hard to pray for our husbands when we're mad at them. But God tells us to "pray for our enemies." How much more should we pray for our God-given, lifelong mate!

I know there are many of you who are reading this devotion with anger or resentment in your hearts. You may be wondering, how did my marriage drift so far from where I hoped it would be? How did my marriage get to this state of desperation, mediocrity, frigidity, mutual tolerance, and co-existence? Is it too late for me? Is it too late for us?

Friend, the answer is no – it is not too late. I have good news for you. God's specialty is resurrection. He excels at bringing life from death. In the Old Testament, there was a couple you may have heard of, Abraham and Sarah. When Sarah laughed at the angel who said she would have a child at ninety-years-old, the angel said, "Is anything too hard for God?" 

The following year, the joke was on her.  She had a baby boy and named him Isaac, which means laughter.
Nothing is too hard for God, my friend. Absolutely nothing. Jesus said, "All things are possible to him (or her) who believes" (Mark 9:23).  A baby is born to a dried up womb, fingers and toes materialize on nubs on a leper's hands and feet, sight is given to a man blind from birth, a son is raised right in the middle of his own funeral procession, and the Red Sea is parted and thousands walk across on dry land. Now, tell me, is there anything in your life too hard for a God like this?

Let's Pray (Prayer for the married woman)

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for my marriage today. I pray that you will make me into the woman that You intended all along.  Help me to see my husband through your eyes today – as a chosen, dearly loved, child of God.
In Jesus' Name,

Let's Pray (Prayer for the single woman)

Dear Lord, everywhere I look, I see marriages that are in trouble. I pray for my sisters who have lost hope. I pray that You will restore their marriages. Help me to be the type of friend who encourages strong marriages and prays for those in trouble.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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