March 21, 2012
Today's Truth
"Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God," (2 Corinthians 3:4 NIV).
Friend to Friend
The three-headed monster of inferiority, insecurity and inadequacy can paralyze a Christian into inactivity and leave her sitting on the bench during the game of life…afraid to get into the game. God's desire is to destroy the monster with the truth and render him impotent in our lives. Satan's desire is to feed him with lies and train him to control our lives. Whom are we going to believe?
Believing the truth about who you are in Christ destroys feelings of inferiority. Believing the truth about where you are in Christ destroys feelings of insecurity. Believing the truth about what you have in Christ destroys feelings of inadequacy.
I do not want you to think I am always victorious and never struggle with the three-headed monster. He still rears his ugly head every now and then. Let me give you one example of how he does it.
Many years ago, I had my first large speaking engagement to about 450 women. My topic was Unshakable Confidence in Christ. Two weeks before I was to speak to the group, I attended a luncheon. Two ladies, whom I did not know, were sitting at my table. They were talking about a speaker they had recently heard at the church where I would be speaking in a few weeks.
"He was the most powerful speaker I have ever heard," one said.
"I cried all the way through his testimony. Just to think, he had to live with the fact that his son was an arsonist. Oh how God has worked mightily in the family. The pastor was so moved, he asked him to speak at the Sunday night service. That is highly unusual. I don't think we will ever have a speaker that good again."
On and on they sang the praises of this mighty man of God. They used words like dynamic, powerful, electric, and eloquent. I never mentioned that I would be the speaker for their next meeting. At that point, I wasn't so sure I would be.
As I listened to the ladies, my throat constricted, the tea sandwiches clung to the roof of my mouth, and my heart pounded wildly. Then Satan, the gatekeeper for the three-headed monster, let him out.
"Who do you think you are, going to speak at this event?" he seemed to say. "Listen to the caliber of people they bring in. This man came from all the way across the country. You are coming from across town. What could you possibly have to say to help these women? If I were you, I'd bow out now before you embarrass yourself."
You know what? Even though I knew it was the enemy whispering in my ear, I started to believe him. After all, what he was saying made a lot more sense than the "My new Identity in Christ" Bible verses I had taped on my refrigerator door.
After the luncheon, I decided to go by the church and purchase a tape of the previous speaker, just to see what I was going to be compared to. I walked into the church, paid my $5.00, popped the tape in the console, and braced myself for the hour of power.
Nothing happened.
I fast-forwarded the tape.
Nothing happened.
I flipped the tape over.
Nothing happened.
The tape was blank.
At that moment, I did not hear the dynamic speaker on the tape, I heard God.
Sharon, you do not need to hear what my servant said to those people two weeks ago. The tape is blank because I do not want you to compare yourself to anyone else. It doesn't matter what he said. I will give you a message for these ladies. I can speak through a prophet, I can speak through a fisherman, and I can speak through a donkey.
I gave him a message and I have given you one as well. Who are you "performing" for, my child, them or Me? Do not compare yourself to anyone. You are my child and I am asking you to speak to an audience of One.
It was indeed an hour of power. I didn't bother getting my money back for the defective tape. It was exactly what I needed to hear.
So the next time Satan said to me, "Who do you think you are?" let me tell you what I said. "I am the light of the world. I am the salt of the earth. I am a child of God. I am the bride of Christ. I am a joint-heir with Christ. I have the power of the Holy Spirit. I have been delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of Christ. I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved."
Two weeks later I spoke with confidence, and God blessed us all.
Let's Pray
Dear God, I know that without You I am nothing but an empty vessel. However, because of You, I am filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and have been blessed with every spiritual blessing! I can be confident because of who I am as a child of the King. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength!
In Jesus' Name,
Now It's Your Turn
When is the last time the three-headed monster attacked you?
Where do you think those feelings of insecurity came from?
Do you believe that the power of God lives in You?
Do you think there is any incident in which God would say "I can't?"
I hope you answered no! Look up these two verses and write them down. Post them in a visible place and look at them every time your confidence begins to wane this week.
Luke 1:37
Genesis 18:14
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