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The Work of the Holy Spirit

The Creator has a specific plan for each person's life, and He has arranged our talents, abilities, and circumstances to fit with these individualized goals (Eph. 2:10). When we connect with our God-given purpose, we feel deep satisfaction and great joy. However, it's important to understand that we can't achieve the Lord's goals on our own; only by His strength and direction are we able to succeed.

In John 16:33, Jesus warned us that trouble is an integral part of life in this world. But easily forgetting how weak we are, we tend to take on challenges in our own strength and resourcefulness. Human nature wants to tackle life by itself and in its own power--and then take credit. So when temptations, trials, criticism, gossip, and persecution assail, many of us have the tendency to go into high gear and try all the harder.

For a while, life may actually seem good this way. But in the long run, self-reliance creates a mess. And it also interferes with the fulfillment of God's purposes.

The truth is, we sometimes have to experience failure in life in order to realize our complete dependence upon God. He lovingly breaks our pride by showing us that we cannot live fully without following the Spirit's guidance.

Have you surrendered to the Holy Spirit's control? Acknowledge your weakness and recognize His power, omniscience, and wisdom. The Lord does not call you to live the Christian life, which is a human impossibility. Rather, He wants you to yield control and let Him live His life through you.

God bless you!


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