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Care, Comfort, and Compassion—



Jewish Lives Are at Risk!
Dear Jorge,
I am often asked to share stories of the individuals and families that, through your help, we are able to serve. And as I am able, I like to take you to where these precious souls are to show how your gifts are impacting and saving lives today.
I share this because I believe in your deep love and concern for Israel and the Jewish people. There are thousands of men, women, families, and elderly Holocaust survivors who have experienced overwhelming struggle, and are left with little hope for the future.
That is why I am urging you today to help The Fellowship as we meet the many needs of the Jewish people. I know many cry out as the psalmist did, “Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone” (Psalm 71:9).
Jorge, The Fellowship is committed to being the answer to this prayer for Jews around the world.
I pray that seeing their faces, feeling their anguish, and knowing you are putting food, heating fuel, medical assistance, and compassion into their hands will be all the motivation you need to step forward and help.
I am praying that you are blessed, as you are a blessing to others. Shalom!
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
Founder and President
PS  For just $72 dollars you can help provide a month of meals to one elderly Jew in need. Thank you for blessing others who are in such great need.


30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 4300, Chicago, IL 60602-2584
800-486-8844 |
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© 2014 International Fellowship of Christians and Jews™

Photos and names may have been changed for personal privacy, dignity, and security reasons.


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