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Christmas Blessings for Persecuted Christian Children — You Can Still Participate

JoelLittle 3-year-old “Joel” was on his way home from Sunday school when Islamic terrorists ripped his children’s Bible from his hands and tossed it onto a burning pile. Joel ran after his Bible and tried to scoot it out of the flames with a stick. When one of the insurgents saw him, he shoved Joel’s head into the fire and held it down with his boot. “You stubborn infidel,” the man hissed.

Dear friends,

Christians around the world face mistreatment, harassment and violent attacks because of their faith. Each year at Christmas, The Voice of the Martyrs joins with our readers to bless Christian children and Christian leaders with special gifts of encouragement. This year, Christmas Care is going global. VOM readers have the opportunity to sponsor Christmas Care Packs for kids and Village Outreach Packs for Christian leaders that will be distributed throughout the hostile and restricted nations where VOM works. Packs will be distributed in Nigeria, Iraq, India, China, Indonesia, North Africa, the Middle East and in other countries where Christians are persecuted.

Christmas Care Packs - $25

The packs will be customized for each region but will contain similar items. Christmas Care Packs include a backpack, school items, hygiene items and Christian literature.
Village Outreach Packs - $120

Village Outreach Packs contain literature for a pastor’s study library, VOM and Wurmbrand books for encouragement, Bibles, digital libraries and audio Bibles, children’s literature and DVDs for distribution.

Thank you for standing with our persecuted family.

The Voice of the Martyrs

If you would like to view a list of resources on the persecuted church and online specials from VOM, please visit

This online offer is being presented by The Voice of the Martyrs. For additional information, you may contact us by clicking here or calling our order line at 800-747-0085. To view our privacy policy, click here.

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