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“Of course, yes, death to America,”


Dear Jorge,
Ayatollah Khamenei
The Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei. Photo credit: The Office of the Supreme Leader
This weekend, Iran's Supreme Leader—the man the Obama Administration is trying to make a nuclear deal with—publicly declared the goal of his regime: "Death to America." In a speech in Tehran, as Ayatollah Khamenei decried U.S. influence in the region, the crowd began to chant “Death to America.” Khamenei responded, “Of course, yes, death to America....because they insist on putting pressure on our dear people's economy.”
The utter folly of our leaders who are trying to appease Iran by making it easier for them to destroy Israel overlooks the clear and convincing evidence that we are on their list for destruction. As my friend, Prime Minister Netanyahu, pointed out in an interview I did several years ago, Israel is only the “little Satan” while America is the “great Satan.”
As a matter of political reality, as a matter of common sense, and most importantly, as a matter of obedience to God, we MUST stand in defense of Israel. Today, I am asking for your help in this urgent cause.
I will be in Israel during Passover next week, and in addition to working on your Friends of Zion Heritage Center, I will do everything I can to bless and help meet the urgent humanitarian needs of God's Chosen People. This is a critical time for the Jewish state, and they need to know that we are standing with them in these dark days. There is a great opportunity for us to show God's love to His Chosen People, if we act right now.
With the ongoing work at your Friends of Zion Heritage Center, our urgent work to deliver food to the poor, our community center for Holocaust survivors in Jerusalem, and so much more, the needs are great right now. We must raise $175,000 before I leave for Israel next week. So far 35 friends have given $4,450. Please send your gift of love today so that the work to bless God's Chosen People can continue.


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