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In Search of Wholeness

In Search of Wholeness
John 4:7-30

Take an honest look at your life. Do you feel whole and complete, or is there the sense that something's missing? If you're aware of an emptiness, what are you using to try and fill that void? Is it relationships with family and friends? Or have you opted for achievements, hoping they will bring a sense of significance? Maybe you use a substance or activity of some kind to deaden the need or to bring temporary comfort.

Jesus met a woman with just such an empty place in her soul. She was longing for love but had been repeatedly rejected. In those days, a man could divorce his wife simply because she displeased him in some way. The Samaritan woman had gone through this rejection five times and was now seeking to fill up her soul with a man who wasn't her husband.

She probably tried to cover up her emptiness so those around her wouldn't see her hurt, but when Jesus met her at the well and told her all that she had done, her days of hiding were over. She had finally found the only One who could bring wholeness to her life. Before you can fill the emptiness in your soul, you, too, must let Christ's piercing gaze penetrate into the depths of your heart and reveal the root cause of your incompleteness.

We were created for God. All other pursuits are inadequate substitutes and will never bring the lasting satisfaction we are seeking. Life has a way of beating us down, leaving us empty and disillusioned. But when we allow Christ unrestricted access to our hearts, He fills us up with His unfailing love.

God bless you!


  1. Only god can heal us. Not our money, status, or position of power. The Samaritan woman could not hide from god and neither can we.

  2. But she recognized God. We have many people in the world who prefer not to hear from God. I'm sad about that. Do not give up Chris never .. God bless you!


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