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Billy Graham: 'I want to leave you with truth'

Billy Graham turns 95 today.  Bill Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Donald Trump have been invited to the celebration.  Who else could invite those three to the same birthday party?

Musicians Lend Voices for My Hope with Billy Graham
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Dr. Graham has preached to 2.2 billion people through events, radio and television broadcasts.  More than three million have trusted Christ as their Lord in response to his stadium events and invitations.  At the recent Dove Awards, a video tribute celebrated the evangelist's continuing ministry and effectiveness.

Now Dr. Graham is delivering what the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is calling his "last message to America."  A billboard over Times Square in New York City tells the story: "With all my heart, I want to leave you with truth."  For two years, his ministry has been preparing for "My Hope America with Billy Graham."  Beginning tonight and continuing through November 10, television broadcasts will share the gospel through Dr. Graham's preaching and true stories of people whose lives have been transformed by God's grace.

Sometime after Ruth Bell Graham died in 2007, Dr. Graham began posting Scripture verses around his home in Montreat, North Carolina.  Each of them related to the cross of Christ.  As he explained to his son, Franklin, God had put it in his heart that if he was ever physically able to preach again, he would speak about the cross.  Tonight, "The Cross" will air across the country.

How can you be involved?

First and most important, you can pray for God to use these broadcasts to bring millions to faith in Christ.  John Wesley believed that "God does nothing except in response to believing prayer."  Sidlow Baxter added: "Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers."

Second, you can watch the programs, on television or online.  Email, text, or use social media to engage others in these very special programs.

Third, you can host an event in your home.  Thousands of Christians have already been trained to use the broadcasts as a way of inviting friends to Christ.  This training is still available online; you can sign up and complete the materials today.  Tonight or across the weekend you can become a "Matthew," inviting those you know to meet Christ in your home (Matthew 9:9-13).

Billy Graham preached his first sermon 76 years ago.  This week he may be preaching his last.  How will you join him in sharing Christ with your culture today?


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