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It’s official: The Rosen Center opens in Florentin!

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It’s official: The Rosen Center opens in Florentin!

Dear Mr. Olmo,

It’s official. The Moishe Rosen Center for Training and Evangelism is fully operational! The Center is strategically located in a vibrant, bustling part of the city frequented by young Israeli Jews—the Florentin District of Tel Aviv. 

Your gift today will help us reach young Israeli Jews with the gospel! 

The Center was a dream that Moishe Rosen had for more than 30 years. A dream, not of bricks and mortar, but of people whom God is building into a mighty army of Jewish evangelists. Shoshana was the first person to come to know Jesus through the Rosen Center. An American Jew, she had to travel six thousand miles from home to hear about and accept our Messiah. 

Our first public event, "Florentin, Our Neighborhood" was held on White Night, an annual cultural celebration throughout Tel Aviv. The ground floor of the Center was transformed into an art gallery displaying photos of people in the neighborhood along with paintings by some of our staff. We also provided refreshments, and a stream of interested Israelis came in all through the night—95 Jewish people in total. 

One guest had heard the gospel before, but she was really surprised to meet Jews who believe in Jesus. She asked if she could come and study with us. 

Can you see what I see? Does the picture of young Israelis and the stories of gospel witness happening now at the Rosen Center help you realize how important this place has become for outreach strategy? 

With your help the gospel will go forth from this place. Will you help? 

Our goal is that the Center will host LOTS of events—art shows, concerts, regular Bible studies and more. But events cost money. 

The total cost for the "Florentin, Our Neighborhood" event was $1,500. That night we had conversations with 55 unbelieving Israelis. I’d say at approximately $27 a person, that’s well worth it to be able to start the conversation. 

One of our missionaries commented, "I had many conversations with different people and gave out New Testaments. Please pray specifically for Alex and Noah who were very interested to know more." 

Consider the impact you can make—any gift will help open doors to more people. Your most generous gift could start the conversation with many nonbelievers. 

I pray that you realize how important the Rosen Center is for our outreach strategy andsend a generous gift today. 

Yours for the salvation of Israel,

David Brickner
Executive Director



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