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God has recently impressed upon my heart...
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March 21, 2014

To: Zion’s Family & Friends
Subject: “Prayer Requests” (Psalm 88:1,2)
    God has recently impressed upon my heart (Proverbs 21:1) the need for us to be in unity (Psalm 133) and specific in our prayer requests. The prayers that we pray this way will be answered (Job 14:15and God will be glorified by  our  testimonies to his faithfulness to keep his promises to Israel exactly as it was written (Isaiah 14:24). He also has reminded me of Joshua's prayer in (Joshua 10:12,13); Hezekiah’s in (2 Chronicles 30:18-20);  Jabez in (1 Chronicles 4:10); Manoah in (Judges 13:8,9); Samuel in (1 Samuel 7:5); and a man of God in (1 Kings 13:1-6) and God answered all their prayers when they all obeyed and prayed “By Faith” (John 14:13,14) with an attitude of expectancy (Hebrews 11:32-34) and we should all pray the same way continually. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

  1. That God will give us the best possible drill sites for our new wells on our current licenses in Israel.  (Jeremiah 33:3)
  2. That God will give our new project team in Israel direction (Proverbs 16:3) and favor with all those in authority to give their approvals for a new drilling permit for our Megiddo #1 well. 
  3. That God will provide the forty million dollars required to drill our next (2) wells.  And that He will abundantly bless our DSPP Direct Stock Purchase Plan.  (Exodus 25:2)
  4. That God will provide an experienced and reputable drilling contractor with rig. One with honesty and integrity who believes in Our Vision and mission statement for Israel.  (Psalm 33:12)
  5. That God will open the doors and clearly show us the way (Psalm 32:8) to develop and produce a new weekly T.V. from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:2,3) which has the potential to reach 2.2 billion people worldwide. The name of the show will be, “Good News from Zion”.  We have been receiving counsel and assistance from both DayStar and King of Kings Church in Jerusalem . At this point in time there haven't been any final decisions made yet by Zion and If and when this happens then we will advise you all.
Lastly, on a more personal note, occasionally people will ask what denomination I am or where I attend church. My wife Joan and I attend Gateway in Southlake, Texas and when I am in Israel I attend Kehilat Hacarmel on Mt Carmel. (Hebrews 10:25)

Shalom from Dallas

John Brown

"So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and He answered our prayer"
                                                                                                 (Ezra 8:23)


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