April 2, 2012
Romans 6:1-14
Romans 6:1-14
Think back to when you received Christ as your Savior. You knew your life had changed but probably had no idea about everything that the salvation experience involved. You were declared righteous and sealed with the Holy Spirit, and God wrote your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. But that wasn't all. You were also crucified, buried, and raised with Christ.
This describes your position in God's eyes, but what does it all mean? Paul tells us that "our old self was crucified with [Christ]" (v. 6). The person you are today is not who you were before salvation. Your old sin nature has died with Christ, which means that its power over you has been broken. Paul isn't saying we'll never transgress again, but now we don't have to be enslaved to sin. Since we've been raised with Christ, He's living within us, giving us the power to live obediently.
Our Father's goal for us is that we become in practice what we are positionally. Many believers attempt to live the Christian life in their own strength by trying harder to overcome sin and live righteously. However, the crucified life is about a life replacement, not self-effort. Christ wants His life to flow through us so that we become living extensions of almighty God.
Every believer has been positionally identified with Christ's death and resurrection, but the only ones who will experience this in a daily manner are those who are willing to die to themselves and let Christ live through them. Jesus wants to be more than your Lord; He wants to be your very life.
Padre celestial, por la autoridad de tu Palabra, he sido crucificado con Cristo y resucitado a una vida nueva. Acepto esto por fe, y hoy elijo morir a ese pecado que me domina. El poder del pecado ha sido destruido, y ya no me controla. Voy a dejar hoy que el Señor Jesucristo se encargue de esto que me derrota. Por fe, haré uso de la vida y el poder que me pertenecen en Cristo.
En el nombre de Jesus , Amen
God bless you!
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