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Christians United for Israel Weekly Email

April 3, 2012
Scripture of the week
By Pastor John Hagee
"For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent,
   for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn,
   her salvation like a blazing torch." Isaiah 62:1

Christian United for Israel’s third Jerusalem Summit was blessed of God in every way.  The hundreds of Christians from around the world who traveled with us were additionally blessed by bringing comfort to the Jewish people.

The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu came to the Inbal hotel on Sunday, March 18th and spoke to over 800 CUFI members.  The Prime Minister told us “Thank you for standing up for Israel.  We are witnessing a dramatic transformation in the relationship between Christians and Jews, who are focusing now on the common values and the common future we both share.”  The Prime Minister congratulated us on surpassing one million members.  The Prime Minister's speech was straight to the point; Israel is facing an existential threat from Iran the moment Iran has a nuclear weapon. History has taught the Jewish people that when someone threatens to kill you...take them seriously. Not many took Hitler seriously and six million Jews were slaughtered.

On the morning of Monday, March 19th we gathered at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, to commemorate the six million Jewish people that were murdered in the Holocaust.  Our CUFI members held a moment of silence for the men, women, and children who were killed by the Nazi regime.  As we sat in silence overlooking the hills of Jerusalem our hearts mourned for our Jewish brothers and sisters who never lived to see their homeland. 

On Monday afternoon we held a solidarity rally through the streets of downtown Jerusalem.  All 800 CUFI members with American and Israeli flags walked in unison down Ben Yehuda Street demonstrating our support of Israel and the Jewish people.  We were accompanied by drummers singing Israeli songs.  People came out of their stores, apartments, and even dentist offices to watch our march.  They told us our support inspired and comforted them during these difficult days.

I want to thank the many CUFI leaders who gathered in Jerusalem to express solidarity with the Jewish people. Special thanks George and Cheryl Morrison, Pastor Tim and Renee Burt, Billye Brim, Pastor Greg and Michelle Stephens, Randy and Renee Caldwell, Pastors George and Terri Pearsons, Annette Garcia, and Rosemary Schindler.

My sincerest gratitude to the CUFI members that attended the CUFI events in Israel, I know of the great sacrifices many of you made to join us and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. May the Lord, God of Israel, bless you and those you love beyond measure as you continue to bless the Jewish people.

CUFI Surpasses One Million Members!
We are proud to announce that we have crossed the million member mark!  The announcement was made by CUFI founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee at event in Jerusalem featuring Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Six years ago Prime Minister Netanyahu asked me if we could unite Christians in support of Israel.  I told him I didn’t know. Having reached one million members, I think the answer is clear. America’s Christians are uniting in support of Israel,” Pastor Hagee said after the event.
During his remarks, Netanyahu thanked the group for their support and congratulated CUFI on enlisting one million members.
“We are witnessing a dramatic transformation in the relationship between Christians and Jews, who are focusing now on the common values and the common future we both share,” Netanyahu said.
After delivering remarks, CUFI executive director David Brog noted “With Iran steadily progressing towards a nuclear weapon, and Palestinian terrorists once again reminding the world that they are more concerned with destroying Israel than making peace, I believe that the news of our having crossed the million member threshold could not have come at a more critical juncture.”
“Our first million members is a solid start, but we’ve only just begun,” Brog added.

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Make Sure Your Friends Vote Israel!
From now until November, we'll be in the midst of a presidential election season.  While we're all passionate about many issues, we'll be voting for the candidate who most strongly supports Israel because we believe that Israel is our first line of defense against shared enemies.  If you agree, then you need to share this message with your family, friends and neighbors.  By purchasing one or more of our beautiful "Defend America, Vote Israel" products, you will remind all who see them of the centrality of a strong Israel to America's security.  There's no more important time to share this message than right now!

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If there were ever a time when Israel's friends needed to speak out and be heard, that time is now!
In the coming months, critical decisions are going to be made about Iran, Israel and the world. Finally, Washington is beginning to focus on the issue of a nuclear Iran. Many of our leaders want to confront this looming threat. But others want to keep kicking the can down the road. The debate is far from over.
  • We know that when thousands of CUFI activists arrive in DC and on Capitol Hill, we can change the conversation.
  • We can remind our leaders that a nuclear Iran is not only a threat to Israel, but to the US as well. And we can demonstrate to our elected officials that their constituents care enough about this issue to show up at their DC offices.
  • We know that we can create a sense of immediacy that's otherwise lacking.
  • We know that the more of us who show up and speak out -- the louder our voice and the greater our impact.
We stand at a critical juncture in history. Don't be silent! Don't miss your chance to make a difference! Don't pass up your opportunity to defend America and bless Israel!
Our leaders need to remember that we are watching them and we need to remember that God is watching us.
Campus Banner
DC Summit Scholarships Now Available for Students! Apply today!
CUFI is pleased to offer several hundred scholarships to student leaders interested in speaking out for Israel with CUFI on Campus at their university. These scholarships, offered to full-time students between the ages of 18 and 26, allow students to attend the CUFI Washington Summit and participate in exclusive student training sessions while in DC. The scholarship covers a student's hotel, conference registration, and up to $300 toward the cost of their round-trip airfare to Washington.
If you are a student who wants to actively speak out on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people, apply today. There are an extremely limited number of scholarships available so please apply today! If you are interested in promoting this scholarship to students in your church or community, please email and request some fliers with scholarship information to distribute.
Excerpts of "Jesus for Jews" that appeared in The New York Times
Last week on Monday morning, in the busy dining room of the Inbal hotel, Tim Burt, an associate pastor at Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis, told me a story of mistrust.
Several years ago, his church held its first “Night to Honor Israel” — an opportunity, said Burt, for Christians “to demonstrate their love and support for Israel and the Jewish people.”
But three local Jewish leaders came to him and asked, “Why are you doing it? What’s the real agenda? What’s the story behind the story?” They were having a hard time believing there was no other motivation but love for Israel behind this, Burt explained.
How things have changed.
The night before I saw Burt last week, he and a group of 130 evangelicals from Minnesota and Texas spent a very special evening with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. “Thank you for standing up for Israel,” the prime minister told the 800 people who had gathered for this year’s Jerusalem conference of Christians United for Israel, an American pro-Israel evangelical association. Read more.
Excerpts of "Netanyahu Lauds Evangelical Group for Support" that appeared in The Jerusalem Post
Israel is the only country in the Middle East where Christians can freely practice their faith, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday.
Speaking to a group from the US-Evangelical organization Christians United for Israel at a Jerusalem hotel, the prime minister said pounding his fists on the podium that “At a time when Christians are under siege in so many places, in so many lands, Christians are free to practice their faith” in Israel.
Netanyahu – whose comments about Christian freedom in Israel were met with rousing applause from the visiting group – said Israel has values which “set us apart” from neighboring regimes like Syria, who he accused of “butchering” its own people. Read more.
Excerpts of "Hagee’s Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Reaches One million Members" that appeared in The Los Angeles Jewish Journal
The news will be announced Sunday evening in Jerusalem, when the Prime Minister of Israel will address several hundred new members of Christians United for Israel – the Christian lobby known as CUFI. Pastor John Hagee, the founder leader of the group, will be there, celebrating this achievement.
And it is an achievement, no doubt. Just two years ago, the 500,000 mark was passed, with some fanfare. Now it has doubled.
I covered the launch of CUFI just a few years ago, and it is now by far the largest pro-Israel organization in the US. Like it or hate it – as some still do – ignoring it is no longer an option. Not for Israel’s government (this was never really in doubt: Israel will take whatever support it can get), not for other pro-Israel lobbies (as Nathan Guttman aptly put it: “the shofar-blowing, hora-dancing Christian evangelicals are now an integral part of the pro-Israel advocacy scene”), not for Congressional legislators. One million members mean that many Congressmen and women have a lot of CUFI members in their districts, ready to take action. Read more.

cufi sunday 2012
We are excited to announce that the fourth annual Christians United for Israel Sunday will be held on Sunday, May 20, 2012.

We are so blessed that over the last three years thousands of churches in over 60 countries have stood in solidarity with Israel through CUFI Sunday. From the largest cities to the smallest towns, from mega churches in the American heartland to underground churches in China, Christians have come together to express their love and support for Israel.
We pray that your church will participate in the fourth annual CUFI Sunday, on May 20, 2012. CUFI will provide you with all the materials you need to implement a successful CUFI Sunday, including videos, literature and Pastor John Hagee's personal sermon notes for your use.

defend america banner
Have you signed the petition that declares “When I cast my vote, I'll be looking for a candidate who affirms that one of the best ways to defend America is to stand with Israel.” If you have not signed the petition please click here to add your voice. We will send a copy of this petition together with the names of all who sign to both the Republican and Democratic nominees for president.
If you have already signed the petition click below to ask your friends to sign.
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scripture of the day
"I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin." Romans 11:1. In the good times and in the bad times, God has always been and will continue to be with Israel. Hit LIKE to say AMEN.
Want a new Scripture every day? Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
fact of the day
Fact of the Day- We LIKE that an Israeli company has unveiled a blood test that via the telephone diagnoses heart attacks. We LIKE how Israel blesses all of our lives.
Want to learn a new fact about Israel every day? Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Israel and Middle East News
Egypt Army Pardons Brotherhood Presidency Nominee
Ex-Argentina Leader to Face Terror Cover-Up Trial

Khairat al-Shater: A Modern Muslim Brother

In Hard-Liner's Surge, New Worries for Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

Israeli Envoy Praises Argentina for 1994 Bombing Probe

Palestinian Red Crescent Workers Part of Hamas Terror Squad

IDF Commander Holds Surprise Drills
France Deports Islamist Militants, Imams amid Crackdown

A Cracks Down on Palestinian Journalists
The Stalled Revolution: Ten Days with Syria's Besieged Protesters

Understanding the Arab Spring

Legalizing Targeted Killings

Soldier Who Killed Terrorist after Being Stabbed to Receive Citation

U.S. Complicit with PA Budgeting Mischief

A Nuclear Iran Is Too Much to Risk

Upcoming Events
Every month CUFI holds more than 40 pro-Israel events across the country. We pray that you will join us at one in your community. Don't see one on the calendar? Contact us to plan one -

Columbus, MS - Stand With Israel - April 3

Waxahachie, TX - IRANIUM Screening - April 3
Westfield, MA - Stand With Israel - April 4
Grants Pass, OR - Stand With Israel - April 4
Johnsonville, SC - Pastor Lunch - April 9
Farmington, MO - Stand With Israel - April 9
Norman, OK - Stand With Israel - April 10
Arnold, MO - Stand With Israel - April 10
Tulsa, OK - Stand With Israel - April 11
Hudson, WI - Stand With Israel - April 11
Green Bay, WI - Pastor Lunch - April 13
Green Bay, WI - Stand With Israel - April 13
Cody, WY - Stand With Israel - April 14
Douglasville, GA - Stand With Israel - April 14
Douglasville, GA - Stand With Israel - April 15
Leitchfield, KY - Stand With Israel - April 15
Billings, MT - Stand With Israel - April 15
Bowling Green, KY - Stand With Israel - April 16
Douglasville, GA - Pastor Lunch - April 16
Nashville, TN - Stand With Israel - April 16
Bozeman, MT - Pastor Lunch - April 16
Butte, MT - Pastor Dinner - April 16
Helena, MT - Pastor Lunch - April 17
Great Falls, MT - Pastor Dinner - April 17
Danville, KY - Pastor Lunch - April 17
Danville, KY - Stand With Israel - April 17
Missoula, MT - Pastor Lunch - April 18
Tucson, AZ - Night To Honor Israel - April 19
Mountain Mesa, CA - Pastor Lunch - April 19
Mountain Mesa, CA - Stand With Israel - April 19
Nairobi, Kenya - Night To Honor Israel - April 19
Santa Fe, NM - Stand With Israel - April 22
Belen, NM - Pastor Breakfast - April 23
Albuquerque, NM - Pastor Lunch - April 23
Albuquerque, NM - Stand With Israel - April 23
St. Petersburg, FL - Stand With Israel - April 24
Farmington, NM - Stand With Israel - April 24
Columbus, GA - Pastor Lunch - April 24
Midland, GA - Midland, GA - April 25
Deming, NM - Stand With Israel - April 25
Montville, ME - IRANIUM Screening - April 27
Concord, NH - Night To Honor Israel - April 29
San Angelo, TX - IRANIUM Screening - April 29
Manalapan, NJ - IRANIUM Screening - April 29
Greenfield, MA - IRANIUM Screening - April 29
Lakeland, FL - IRANIUM Screening - April 29
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