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Where Do You Go When You Hit Rock Bottom?

April 23, 2012
Sharon Jaynes

Today's Truth

"But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God," (1 Samuel 30:6 NIV).

Friend to Friend

Sometimes life doesn't work out the way we thought it would. This was certainly the case for a teenage boy named David who was anointed the next King of Israel.

While King Saul was still on his throne, God chose David to be his successor. This didn't sit too well with the King and he made every attempt to kill David before the crown could be placed on his handsome head. The young David, who earlier had bravely charged the Philistine giant, Goliath, now ran for his life. The one place Saul didn't think David would hide was among the Philistines whom he had previously shamed. So that is exactly where David hid…the briar patch, so to speak.

By this time, David had a six hundred man army gathered round him. Each man brought his wife and children to live in the camp. The rag tag team of outcasts became David's kingdom for a time.

One day while David and his men were off fighting a battle, another group of people, the Amalakites, invaded their camp and took all their wives and children captive. When David and his men returned home, they found empty beds, smoldering fires, and the haunting absence of familiar voices.

The men wept until they had no more tears or energy for recourse. Rather than devise a rescue plan, they turned their anger on their leader and threatened to stone him. Hurting people often hurt people and they were looking for someone to blame.

Can you imagine how David must have felt? His previous employer was trying to kill him (he had worked in Saul's palace), his best friends had turned against him, and his wife and children had been taken captive or possibly killed. Where was he to turn? How could he encourage his men when he had nothing left to give?
There was only one place to turn…to God.

"But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God" (1 Samuel 30:6). Friend, sometimes to God is the only place we have to go. Isn't it a shame that we wait until God is our last resort rather than our first line of defense? Yes, God has called us to live in community with other believers, but sometimes I believe He wants us all to Himself.

Moses was alone with God when he talked to God in the burning bush. Hagar was alone with God when he spoke to her and gave her water in the desert. Elijah was alone with God when God revealed Himself in the still small voice. Hannah was alone with God when she poured out her heart in prayer for a child. Jesus often went away by himself to commune with His Father. Where do we go when we hit rock bottom? When we're feeling empty? When we've lost hope?

Go to God. Strengthen yourself in the Lord your God. It worked for David and He will work for you. David later wrote, "It is God who arms me withstrengthand keeps my way secure," (Psalm 18:32 NIV).

Let's Pray

Heavenly Father, Please give me the strength I need to meet each challenge I will face today. Thank You that You promise never to leave me or forsake me. No matter how alone I may feel, or how many turn against me, I know that You are always there. You are always for me.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Now It's Your Turn

Look up the following verses and note what you learn about God being your strength.
Deuteronomy 31:6
1 Chronicles 16:11
Isaiah 41:10
Psalm 22:19
Joshua 1:9


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