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A Heavy Dose of Perspective

June 11, 2012
Sharon Jaynes

Today's Truth

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" (Psalm 188:24 NIV)

Friend to Friend

It was just a quick check-up at the doctor's office...or at least that's what it was supposed to be.  My "to-do-list" resembled a mile-long scroll and several deadlines loomed like a thunder cloud ready to burst. But, the appointment would take just a few minutes. Just enough time to catch my breath.

"Good morning Mrs. Jaynes," the cheery receptionist greeted. "May I see your insurance card please?"
We went through the regular check-in procedure and then I settled in a comfy chair with a magazine that I would not have normally read.  I knew I wouldn't have time to read a full-length article...since this was just a quick visit. 

My, oh my, the trouble those Hollywood folks get into.
Ten minutes turned into fifteen turned into twenty turned into thirty.  My to-do list began growing heavier and heavier in my mind.

"Excuse me," I interrupted the receptionist.  "My appointment was thirty minutes ago.  Did they forget me?"

"I'm so sorry," she reassured me.  "I'll check on it right away."

In just a few moments, a nurse appeared at the door.  "Mrs. Jaynes, come right this way."

My second stop was into a stark treatment room with more magazines.  "Oh well, let's see what Brittany did last year," I mumbled to myself.  At least I was in the room.  That was good.

The clock continued to tick. With each passing minute my frustration grew. "I'm glad he's not checking my blood pressure," I grumbled to no one in particular.

Fifty minutes after I had walked into the office for my quick 5-minute check-up, the doctor himself walked into my room. My to-do list was magnified in my mind. My time was important too, you know. I didn't have time to sit around and read out-dated gossip magazines!

The doctor was actually a friend of mine, but I was feeling less than friendly. Ice Queen is a description that comes to mind when I think of my probable appearance.

"Hi Sharon," he began. "I'm sorry you have had to wait so long. I have been with a patient and had to tell her that she has terminal cancer. It took longer than I thought."

Suddenly, my icy countenance began to melt into a puddle on the shiny tile floor and tears pooled in my eyes. I was upset about not checking insignificant frivolous errands off my to-do list, and the woman in the next room was pondering how she was going to spend her last days on earth. I envisioned her walking to her car and coming up with a brand new to-do list for her day.

#1 Live well
#2 Love well

Yes, I did have a check-up that day. God was the doctor and He looked into my heart to see that my perspective on life needed surgery. What's really important? My silly list of errands? No. What should be at the top of my to-do list today and every day is:  #1 Live well.  #2 Love well. Celebrate each day as an incredible gift from God.

Let's Pray

Dear God, Thank You for another day of life. Sometimes I can get so caught up in my silly little lists that I lose perspective of the true meaning of life. Help me to live my days glorifying You with every breath that I take and step that I make. 
In Jesus' Name,  Amen.

Now It's Your Turn

What is at the top of your to do list today?

Consider making a new to do list and including what you think God would have you do today.


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