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Deliver Blessings


When I began the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews nearly 30 years ago, I envisioned a world in which after thousands of years apart, Christians and Jews would come together in friendship and service.

The Fellowship is guided by Isaiah’s reminder that holy living is helping the unfortunate. If we want to be blessed by God, we have to not only pray with our mouths, not only care with our hearts, but also bless others through our acts and deeds.

This year, millions of Jews in more than 20 countries will turn to The Fellowship in their time of need. Among them are Jewish orphans and infants, hungry and impoverished families, and the elderly — including Holocaust survivors. I speak every day with these needy Jewish people on the streets of Jerusalem, in the tenements of the former Soviet Union, and in the isolated villages of Ethiopia. They tell me of poverty and discrimination. And, my friend, they urgently need our help.

Please support IFCJ today and reach out to these suffering souls.

I am humbled by how this ministry has inspired the prayers and generosity of hundreds of thousands of Christians in America and around the world. Brenda in California wrote us recently, “God has given me a passion for Israel. God bless you for the good work you are doing at IFCJ.” And Linda in Mississippi shared, “God put it in my heart to give to this ministry. I wish I could help more.”

Through the sacrificial giving of friends like you, The Fellowship has been able to aid destitute Jews in Israel and the former Soviet Union, build bomb shelters that have saved Israelis from terrorist rockets, and bring persecuted Jews in exile safely home to the Holy Land.

But there are still so many of God’s people living in unimaginable poverty.

Please help ease their burden. Your generous gift to The Fellowship will help us deliver basic necessities like food, clothing, heating fuel, and medical assistance. Thank you.

With prayers for shalom, peace,

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
By reaching out to our Jewish brothers and sisters with aid and assistance, we show our love for God and proclaim that Christians and Jews will be joined together for all time. Please give what you can right now to help Jews in need in Israel and around the world.

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