As we enter a new year it is a blessing to know that, together, we will be able to ease the suffering of so many destitute Jewish people in the Holy Land and around the world in 2012.
Sadly, millions of Jews in more than 20 countries will turn to IFCJ in their time of need this coming year. And, with your help we will:
These blessings are only possible because friends like you generously support The Fellowship.
People like Velock from Florida, who wrote in to tell us, “I love and support IFCJ because from being a child I was taught to love God’s people. May God continue to bless and keep IFCJ as we work together!!” Or Laura in California, who shared that she supports IFCJ because, “I love God's people and I know that it is more blessed to give than to receive. May the Lord continue to bless Israel and the Jewish people all around the world.” While IFCJ supporters have many different reasons why they give, all donations have one thing in common: they all make a lifesaving impact on behalf of Jews who are suffering from heartbreaking poverty and religious persecution. Please join us and make a difference today. With prayers for shalom, peace, ![]() Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein President
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