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God Called Out

January 18, 2012
Today's Truth

But the Lord God called to the man, "Where are you?" (Genesis 3:9 NIV)

Friend to Friend

Eden was full of God's glory-breathtaking beauty with unbroken union and constant communion with God. But as we know, something went terribly wrong, and Adam and Eve found themselves naked and ashamed. And what was the first thing they did when that happened?

They hid.

They hid from God.

"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?" (Genesis 3:9). God called out.




"Where are you?" God asked. It was the very first question in the Bible, and it was asked by an all-knowing God. He still asks that very question today. Perhaps you've heard it as well. I have.

The real tragedy of Adam and Eve's disobedience was that union between God and man was broken. Shattered. Destroyed. But as soon as Eve sank her teeth into the forbidden fruit, the shadow of the cross rose on the horizon, and God's redemptive plan to restore all that we had lost was set in motion. All through the rest of the Old Testament, from Genesis 3:9 to Malachi 4:6, we read of God calling humanity back to Himself.
We read of cycles of humanity's fellowship with God, followed by humanity's rebellion against God, followed by God's wooing humanity back in the midst of difficult circumstances, followed by humanity's repentance, followed by humanity's fellowship with God, followed by humanity's rebellion against God, followed by God's wooing humanity back in the midst of difficult situations, followed by humanity's repentance, followed by humanity's fellowship with God, followed by....
And all along God continues His passionate pursuit of the human heart as He relentlessly romances us, His image bearers, and calls out to us first one way, then another.

Interestingly, the Hebrew word for Bible is mikra, and it means the calling out of God. Isn't that what the Bible really is? The calling out of God to draw mankind back to Himself. To restore our original glory through the finished work of Jesus Christ? He begins with calling out that very first question: "Where are you?" He ends it the same. "I stand at the door and knock," (Revelation 3:20).

The Bible tells us, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). There is not one of us who is completely and perfectly living the life that God had intended in the Garden. But the good news is that Christ in us is the hope of glory (Colossians 1:24-27). It is through that union that glory moments occur. Without Christ in us, we are not even able to detect or reflect God's glory at all.  And yet, that was God's original intent for us "in the beginning."

Most people would agree that we are born with an inherent inner nagging that there has to be something more than what we see. Solomon wrote: "He has also set eternity in the hearts of men" (Ecclesiastes 3:11). No matter how humanity has tried to satisfy the hunger, quench the thirst, or mask the reality of God's existence, eternity still pulls at the heart. A longing to experience God persists. The glory ache is a chronic throb.

But here is the good news! Aren't you ready for some good news? This is not our final home! We are merely passing through this thing called life. Until those who know Christ leave this earth and enter God's glory once and for all, until we inhale eternity, He gives us glimpses of glory right here on earth! Moments of sudden glory abound, if we will but take the time to recognize them, to embrace them, to enjoy them ... to taste and see that the Lord is good!

Let's Pray

Here I am, Lord. I'm right here in Your presence. Thank You for not leaving me hiding in shame, but called me out of hiding to join You in a relationship.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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