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Showing posts from May, 2012

How to Handle Praise

May 31, 2012 Read | Proverbs 27:21 How do you respond when someone compliments you? Some people absolutely love receiving praise because it lifts their spirits and makes them feel valuable. Others are uncomfortable with it. They look down at their feet or offer reasons why they really don't deserve such praise. For Christians, there's another dilemma. We're called to be humble, so what are we to do when others say good things about us? Because pride is always waiting to raise its ugly head, we need to be careful not to let praise puff us up. Some believers think that accepting a compliment is a sign of pride, so they make a big show of giving all the glory to God. That's fine, if it's really what's in their hearts, but too often it becomes a rote "Christian" response that's geared to impressing others. My advice is simply to say, "Thank you very much." Then whisper a prayer in your heart to the Lord, thanking Him for the blessin...

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Leer hoy: Romanos 6; 1 Samuel 15; Salmos 60. Pero si andamos en luz, como él está en luz, tenemos comunión unos con otros, y la sangre de Jesucristo (1 JUAN 1:7 RVR60). Orar sin cesar!! Dios los bendiga!! Gloria a Dios por su palabra!! Amen!!

A Portable Cathedral

Exodus 35 An unlikely sight in the desert Exodus 35:21 Everyone who was willing and whose heart moved them came and brought an offering to the LORD for the work on the tent of meeting. In A.D. 1144 a great building began to take shape in a village in northwest France. Enthusiasm for the project soon spread across the entire country, and volunteer workers streamed to the site. Working together, the people managed to construct one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, the magnificent cathedral at Chartres. Fifty years later, after a terrible fire, the villagers of France rebuilt their cathedral from scratch. Today, tourists throng to marvel at what was splendidly fashioned to the glory of God so long ago. Inspired Builders A work of art took shape in similar fashion thousands of years earlier than Chartres, and the last chapters of Exodus provide a wealth of details. In a hostile desert landscape, a tribe of just-liberated slaves built something of exquisite beauty:...


A Godly Response to Criticism

May 30, 2012 Read | Proverbs 15:31-33 No one likes criticism, but encountering some is inevitable, so we need to learn how to respond in a godly way. Although you might be tempted to become defensive or angry, remain calm and listen. The words may hurt, but great benefits come to those who carefully consider what is said. If we refuse to accept reproof, we'll limit our potential for Christlike character development and spiritual growth. Some of life's best lessons come through difficult experiences. If God allowed the situation, you can be sure that He wants to use it in transforming you into His Son's image. Whether the criticism is valid or not, whether it's delivered with kindness or harshness, your goal should always be to respond in a way that glorifies the Lord. Remember that you are responsible only for how you handle yourself, not for how the other person is acting. When a criticism comes your way, be quiet and listen until the other person has finish...

One Day at a Time - May 30

Reflection on Leviticus 16:1–34 In spite of God’s desire that we be holy, he is fully aware that we will not remain free from sin. But because he loves us and is gracious to us, he provides a way for our sins to be forgiven. In the Old Testament, the Israelites were cleansed from sin annually on the Day of Atonement. This yearly event was a picture of the atonement that would be accomplished through Jesus’ sacrifice. Since Jesus died and rose from the dead, and offered himself to pay for our sins once and for all, we are cleansed through his work and can rely on his forgiveness moment by moment.

This is Gospel for ASIA

Unsubscribe from this email. Dear Jorge, "Villagers watched the believers walk around the local trash heap. They already thought the Gospel for Asia-supported church was foolish because they worshiped their God in a tent, and now these Christians were walking around in a wasteland. But as time passed, the villagers were surprised by what they saw." Journey with these believers as God provides for them their very own church building, and so much more . Be Inspired to Pray - Video You're invited to join the staff at Gospel for Asia this Friday evening, June 1st, at 7:30 pm CST to intercede for the lost in Asia. Watch this video to catch glimpses of our most recent prayer meeting. Tune into our live prayer streaming on the first Friday of each month, and make a difference in the lives of millions without leaving your living room! Act on God's Word - 5 Minutes with K.P. Yohannan "The most important f...

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Leer hoy: Romanos 5; 1 Samuel 14; Salmos 59. Confió en Dios y alabo su palabra; confió en Dios y no siento miedo. Salmos 56:4. Glorifico a Dios por todo lo que hace en la vida de cada uno de mis hermanos y los cambios en las familias y en el crecimiento de la Iglesia. Estando en la lucha se que estoy haciendo la obra de Dios. Tengan mucho cuidado cuando todo este en silencio, y nada este ocurriendo a su alrededor. Si eso le esta pasando a usted es hora de examinarse porque algo anda mal. Orar sin cesar!! Dios los bendiga!! Amen!!

One Day at a Time - May 29

Reflection on Exodus 34:5–8 The basic meaning of worship is to kneel or prostrate oneself on the ground in recognition of the power, majesty and authority of the object of one’s worship. Worship is more than assigning worth; it’s acknowledging that worth is already there. When we worship God, we are responding to his intrinsic majesty and goodness. That was Moses’ response when God passed by, revealed his glory and proclaimed his name and attributes. God declared his compassion, grace, mercy, love, patience and faithfulness. And since he is a God of justice, he also pledged not to leave the guilty unpunished. The emphasis, though, wasn’t on the Lord’s wrath, power and judgment—but on his love. When we hear of the goodness, the greatness and the glory of God, worship is our appropriate response too. We bow before him in awe and appreciation of who he is.

It's Not About Me

May 29, 2012 Sharon Jaynes Today's Truth "Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens" Psalm 148:13 Friend to Friend Some of my Girlfriends in God are not going to like this devotion. I'm not even sure I do. But I'm going to put it out there anyhow. During the month of February, I write devotions on marriage. It is the month of love, and marriages certainly are in shambles all around the world. Each February, I am flooded with e-mails:  some are appreciative for the reminders on how to love their husbands; some are filled with hurt because they are in their own struggling marriage, and some are broken-hearted because of shattered dreams. These women are so thankful for the balm of God's truth in a very tender area of their lives. But I also receive e-mails from women who are not married, who do not like the attention to marriage at all. They are flat out angry and frustrated beca...

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Leer hoy: Romanos 3:9-31,4; 1 Samuel 12,13; Salmos 57,58. Pero el amor del Señor es eterno y siempre esta con los que le temen; Salmos 103:17-18. El día de ayer trajo su afán y con ellos los problemas oremos también por el día de hoy y que nos prepare para este día tal como lo hizo ayer.. Orar sin cesar!! Dios los bendiga!! Amen!!

The Cost of Uncontrolled Anger

May 27, 2012 Anger is an extremely powerful emotion. It can destroy lives, tear relationships apart, and ruin a believer's witness. The apostle Paul understood the negative potential of resentment, and he offered this advice on how to deal with it: "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. And be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you" (Ephesians 4:31-32). When we're right in the middle of tense situations, Paul's recommendations may seem unrealistic and impractical. But unless we apply his advice, we could easily face the devastating consequences of uncontrolled rage. For example, our anger can shut down communication with others. It can also lead to a silent but very damaging type of resentment—the "passive-aggressive" person takes out his bitterness on others in subtle ways. One of the most harmful consequences of u...

Give a safe haven for vulnerable children

Millions of children in Asia live alone on the streets, vulnerable to kidnappers who sell them into bonded labor and the sex trade. Those who avoid kidnappers fall into gangs, drugs, and alcoholism. They know only distrust and pain; every day is a struggle to survive. Your donation gives them back their childhood. It provides the children with shelter, education, and food, as well as a message of Christ’s love. You can change these little lives forever. One hundred percent of your donation will go to provide for street children in Asia. Nothing is taken out for administrative expenses. Below is your page to share with friends and family. Give them a link to it and they can come here to watch your progress and donate.



How to Handle Negative Relationships

May 28, 2012 Read | 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 In an ideal environment, all our relationships would draw us closer to the Lord. However, we live in a fallen world with sinful people, so that is not our reality. God wants us to influence those who aren't walking obediently with Him, but unless we're careful, we could easily end up following them. How are we to deal with relationships that drag us down instead of building us up? Prayer: Your first step is to pray for the people who tend to pull you away from the Lord. It's not your job to change them, but you can ask God to work in their lives. And don't forget to ask Him to give you the wisdom and patience you need in your interactions with them. Separation: You may have to break off a relationship if it's hindering your Christian walk. However, this should be done only after much prayer and wise counsel. And remember, some relationships are meant to be permanent, so listen carefully to what God is telling you....

Leer hoy

Leer hoy: 1 Romanos 1:16-32,2,3:1-8; 1Samuel 9,10:1-16,10:17-27,11:1-15; Salmos 55, 56. Humillaos delante del Señor, y él os exaltará. (SANTIAGO 4:10 RVR60) Pido oración por el papa de Dialis y por las batallas que enfrentamos todos los días danos fuerza Señor , Glorifico tu nombre y borra nuestros pecados. Orar sin cesar!! Dios los bendiga!! Amen!!

La exposición de los Falsos Maestros

  Leer | 2 Pedro 2:1-3 Reconociendo el peligro para los creyentes de su tiempo, Pedro escribió esta advertencia: " También habrá entre vosotros falsos maestros , que introducirán encubiertamente herejías destructoras " (2 Pedro 2:1. ). Sus palabras son tan ciertas hoy como lo fueron en el primer siglo . Manchar los falsos maestros puede ser difícil, y muchas personas se dejan influenciar por sus mentiras. Mateo les llamó lobos rapaces vestidos de ovejas (Mateo 7:15). ¿Cómo, entonces , podemos detectar la enseñanza engañosa ? En primer lugar, familiarizarse con la verdad bíblica , y vigilantes. En la superficie, la falsa enseñanza puede parecer que se alinean con las Escrituras , pero por debajo se encuentra un programa defectuoso. En segundo lugar, escuchar cualquier negación de la verdad , como alguien que dice creer en Dios , pero sostiene que la historia de la creación es un mito . Es peligroso para escoger y elegir ...