May 20, 2012
Responding to Rejection
How are you to respond when you experience times of rejection? Should you curl up in a dark corner and engage in self-pity? Will you withdraw from life completely and disown the people who love and accept you? No!You are to do three specific things when you feel an intense need to belong.
1. Believe what God says about you.
Through the years, I have had a number of divorced or widowed people say to me, "I feel like a nobody." My response to them is, "That's not what God says about you."
God says you are a somebody. You are so special and valuable to Him that He sent His Son to die for your sins, and He made it possible for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within you. He did that to remind you on a daily basis that you are valuable beyond measure in His eyes.
Continue reading Responding to Rejection.
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