May 13, 2012
God’s desire is that you invest your life and resources in a way that glorifies Him--to leave a legacy that is far greater than material wealth because it has eternal significance. One person who left that kind of legacy was my grandfather, George Washington Stanley. His life of obedience to the Father had a tremendous impact on my life--one that cannot be measured by earthly standards. The simple truths and principles he taught me helped shape the way I live my life and make decisions every day. And my grandfather’s influence lives on because his focus was on obeying God and leaving all the consequences to Him. I will always be grateful for his godly example.
Have you ever considered how you will be remembered when your life here on earth is ended? How will those you know and love say you’ve influenced their lives? Will the fruit you leave behind have lasting value? Perhaps you have a family and are wondering how to best take care of them should anything happen to you. However, the question you should be considering is whether you’ve taught them to be completely committed followers of God, who love Him wholeheartedly and serve Him faithfully.
Continue reading Leaving a Legacy.
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