Feb 09, 2013
Read | 2 Corinthians 1:3-6
The Lord is never taken by surprise. He knows everything we’re going through, and He is orchestrating our circumstances for both our benefit and His glory, according to His good will.
One purpose for hardship is to cleanse us. Because of our own “flesh” nature and the self-absorbed world we live in, it is easy to develop me-centered attitudes, mixed-up priorities, and ungodly habits. The pressures bearing down on us from stormy situations are meant to bring these impurities to our attention and direct us to a place of repentance. Our trials are not intended to sink us but rather to purify and guide us back to the way of godliness.
Another reason for adversity is so we’ll bring comfort to others. God’s work in our lives is not meant solely for us. It is designed to reach a world that doesn’t recognize or acknowledge Him. The Lord uses the pressures we face to equip us for serving others. As we endure suffering, we will learn about God’s sufficiency, His comforting presence, and His provision of strength to help us endure. Our testimony during times of difficulty will be authentic; those to whom we minister will recognize that we know and understand their pain. What credibility would we have with people in crisis if we ourselves never experienced a deep need?
Reflecting on the divine purpose behind our hardships can help us respond to them in a God-honoring way. Take the time to fix your attention on the Lord, and seek to understand what He wants you to learn. His lessons often unfold gradually, but He will be walking by your side the whole way.
God bless you!
Gracias doy a mi Dios siempre por vosotros, por la gracia de Dios que os fue dada en Cristo Jesús; porque en todas las cosas fuisteis enriquecidos en él, en toda palabra y en toda ciencia; así como el testimonio acerca de Cristo ha sido confirmado en vosotros, de tal manera que nada os falta en ningún don, esperando la manifestación de nuestro Señor Jesucristo; el cual también os confirmará hasta el fin, para que seáis irreprensibles en el día de nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Fiel es Dios, por el cual fuisteis llamados a la comunión con su Hijo Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Os ruego, pues, hermanos, por el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que habléis todos una misma cosa , y que no haya entre vosotros divisiones , sino que estéis perfectamente unidos en una misma mente y en un mismo parecer . Porque he sido informado acerca de vosotros, hermanos míos, por los de Cloé, que hay entre vosotros contiendas. Quiero decir, que cad...
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