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Help The Hungry during our Fill The Pantry food drive


In far too many Jewish households, Passover brings no relief from the daily struggle for survival.
Tragically, thousands of impoverished Jewish men, women and children throughout both Israel and the former Soviet Union — including elderly Holocaust survivors — are living in shocking poverty, unable to afford life’s necessities like heat, medicine and basic foods, much less the special items, such as matzah, needed to celebrate Passover.
That is why The Fellowship urgently needs you to join with us and help deliver 40,000 Passover Food Boxes during this year’s Fill the Pantry food drive.
My friend, with your support we will fill each box with lifesaving staples including flour, sugar and rice along with special foods needed to celebrate the Passover Seder.  Your gift will provide both comfort and spiritual nourishment during this holy time of year.  So please, join us by donating one, two or even three food boxes to help hungry Jews observe Passover with dignity.
Your kindness will mean so much to those unfortunate Jewish people who will otherwise be unable to celebrate this important season with joy.
Thank you for taking these poverty-stricken people into your heart and helping them fill their pantries for Passover.

With prayers for shalom, peace,

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

By supporting our Fill the Pantry food drive today, you can help give needy destitute Jews the opportunity to properly observe the Passover celebration.

The Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization

30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2600, Chicago, IL 60602-3356


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© 2012 International Fellowship of Christians and Jews


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