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Pastors' Briefing

As Queen Esther was destined to stand before the King on
behalf of the Jewish people, so our generation has been born
for such a time as this.
 Join with other 'Gatekeepers' of your
city and find out how to make our voices heard on Capitol Hill.

~ Pastor Dinner & Middle East Briefing ~ 

Saturday, March 3, 2012 ~ 6:00 PM

Event is FREE - Seating is Limited - Registration is Required!

New Hope Assembly of God
9550 Chumuckla Hwy
Jay, FL 32565
Event info & RSVP

Keynote Speaker:  Pastor Dan Livingston
CUFI Pensacola, FL City Director
Senior Pastor Hearts of Love 

Dan Livingston

Israel is surrounded by new and ancient enemies and our nation is at a 
tipping point in support of her.  The Church was silent during the horrific 
days of the Holocaust - we will not be.  PLEASE join us to find out how to 
make our voices heard during these perilous and prophetic days.

Christians United for Israel, (CUFI) is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States with over
900,000 members and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world.

Israel’s time of need is now. There is a new Hitler in the Middle East - President Ahmadinejad of Iran - who has threatened to wipe out Israel and America and is rapidly acquiring the nuclear technology to make good on his threat. If we learned anything from the Holocaust, it is that when a madman threatens genocide we must take him seriously.


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