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Defend America - Vote Israel
Dear Jorge,
Our nation is facing severe challenges on multiple fronts.  The economy is slow.  We're in deep and mounting debt.  And we're nearing the end of long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in which we've spent far too much blood and treasure. 
This is a political season, but Israel's getting left out of the debate. 
We can't allow this to happen. If support for Israel isn't stressed in the campaign, it's less likely to be a priority after the election.  Our candidates need to hear that the American people want them to stand with Israel now more than ever. 
We must remind the candidates that Israel is a bastion of freedom and democracy in a despotic Middle East.    
We must stress that Israel is our first line of defense against enemies devoted to attacking America and killing Americans.  When Israel battles Hezbollah and Hamas, its battling Iranian-backed terrorist groups which have American blood on their hands. When Israel sounds the alarm about Iran, it's focusing our attention on the greatest strategic threat to America and the West.
And we must emphasize that unlike so many of our allies, Israel has never asked for American soldiers to fight and die in her defense. All Israel has ever asked is the ability to defend herself by herself. In so doing, these Israeli soldiers are actually defending us.
If we want our candidates to honor the U.S.-Israel relationship, then we need to put it back on their radar!   Please click here to sign our Defend America-Vote Israel petition. 
We will send a copy of this petition together with the names of all who sign to both the Republican and Democratic nominees for president. 
If we don't speak out, Israel may well be overlooked in this busy political season.  We will miss an important opportunity to impact our next president.  The time to speak out for Israel is now! 
May God Bless You and Those that You Love,
Pastor John Hagee
National Chairman
David Brog
Executive Director

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