Dear Mr. Olmo,
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding international religious freedom. I am grateful for your thoughts and the opportunity to respond.
Religious freedom is one of our most treasured ideals, not just as Americans but as humans. Even in the 21st century, there are governments that engage in religious repression by enforcing oppressive laws against religious minorities, forcing people to engage in state-sponsored religions, or standing idly by while minorities are persecuted by their fellow citizens for their beliefs. In particular, I am concerned that the United States is not paying enough attention to the growing persecution of Christians in the Middle East. In many of these countries, the Syriac Christian community is under attack, with the entire existence of this ancient community at stake. Additionally, in Egypt, the Copts have faced undue pressure and violence that the government has done little to prevent or punish.
For these reasons, I am a proud co-sponsor of the Near East and South Central Asia Religious Freedom Act of 2013 (S.653). This act creates a Special Envoy to Promote Religious Freedom of Religious Minorities in the Near East and South Central Asia within the State Department. The envoy would work to promote religious freedom in these key regions and work with foreign governments to address religious freedom violations.
As a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, I will keep your thoughts in mind as we work to promote international religious freedom and I will continue to work to ensure that the United States remains a safe and prosperous nation.
Marco Rubio
United States Senator
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