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Muslims plead for Bibles

Dear Subscriber,

Across the Islamic world God is at work in a powerful way as thousands of Muslims are coming to Christ! And when a Muslim is seeking to know about Jesus, they come to us in search of a Bible.

Today I am offering you the chance to
put a Bible into the hands of a Muslim seeker.

To make your gift even more meaningful we have been offered a $10,000 Challenge Grant to provide these urgently requested Bibles! Which makes
your gift even more important!

Bibles are scarce in most Islamic countries where it’s illegal to convert from Islam to Christianity. So we have set a goal to distribute at least 4,000 Bibles to Muslim seekers in these countries over the next few months.

And if we meet this $10,000 Challenge Grant, we can meet this goal! I think you can see why I’m asking you to
give an online gift to Open Doors today.

your gift, you’ll not only help meet the challenge… but help deliver Bibles to Muslim seekers who risk their lives just to know more about Christ. You’ll be giving them the one thing that can change their life for eternity!

So thank you for
your gift. And thank you for helping us advance the gospel where faith costs the most.

Brother Andrew
Brother Andrew
Open Doors USA

ECFA A higher standard. A higher purpose.
Picture of girlJust $5 will send one urgently needed Bible
to a Muslim seeking Christ.

Send a Bible!
"Fifty years of serving and strengthening persecuted Christians worldwide - that is the legacy of Open Doors. An important part of that legacy has been Open Doors' passion for motivating, mobilizing, and educating the
body of Christ in the West to reach out to our suffering brothers and sisters." - Rick Warren, Author of
"The Purpose Driven Life"
Open Doors Serving persecuted Christians Worldwide Click here to give Bibles.


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