Both are pro-life. Nicholson's mother became pregnant with him when she was a teenage showgirl. She was encouraged to have an abortion but chose to give him life instead. He once told National Review, "I'm very contra my constituency in terms of abortion because I'm positively against it. I don't have the right to any other view. My only emotion is gratitude, literally, for my life."
In an interview with Rolling Stone, Justin Bieber took the same position: "I really don't believe in abortion. It's like killing a baby." He and Nicholson are just two of many celebrities who have made clear their pro-life beliefs.
Patricia Heaton, the Emmy-winning star of "Everybody Loves Raymond," is a strong opponent of abortion and once served as honorary chair of Feminists for Life. Martin Sheen, who portrayed Democratic president Jed Bartlet on "The West Wing," has made clear his pro-life stance as well. One reason: his wife was conceived as the result of a rape. Her mother considered "dumping her in the Ohio River" after she was born, but changed her mind.
Actress and model Kathy Ireland had been pro-choice before her Christian conversion at the age of 18. At that time, she says, "I dove into science." With this result: "What I read was astounding and I learned that at the moment of conception a new life comes into being. The complete genetic blueprint is there, the DNA is determined, the blood type is determined, the sex is determined, the unique set of fingerprints that nobody has had or ever will have is already there." I heard her give the keynote address at the 2011 Council for Life luncheon in Dallas and was extremely impressed with her gracious strength.
Jim Caviezel is best known for his role as Jesus in The Passion of the Christ and as lead in TV's Person of Interest. What is less known is that he not only embraces the pro-life position, but he and his wife have adopted two special-needs children from China. Andrea Bocelli's mother was encouraged to abort him because he would be born with a disability. The blind singer shares his passionate pro-life position in this video.
Finally, Tim Tebow's stance is no surprise, given his Christian commitment and personal story. His mother contracted amoebic dysentery while pregnant with him. Her doctor in the Philippines, where the family was serving as missionaries, told her that "an abortion is the only way to save your life." She refused, trusting her life and her unborn son to God. And the rest, as they say, is history.
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